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Alzheimer's Dementia and Related Disease


Happy Senior Couple


Office Management & Technology Inc. (OMT Inc.)  is awarded a grant from the Maryland Department of Health to fight Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias through Community Outreach and Education .  OMT Inc. will provide equitable, culturally relevant community outreach and awareness to African American/Blacks who face a higher risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD).  Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States.  Every 66 seconds, someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, an illness that affects African Americans at a two times greater incidence. (  Research proves that Alzheimer's primarily affects those over the age of 60, with women being more at risk for the illness. Hypertension and diabetes are also risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Researchers are unable to explain the disparate impact on African Americans, due to the lack of minority participation in clinical trials. It is felt that reluctance of researchers to recruit from minority populations along with the recollection of the Tuskegee Study has influenced this outcome.  OMT Inc. is honored to provide this service to the Baltimore Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in FY24.

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